
 On Tuesday morning we had a quick breakfast and headed out for a morning hike in Korcula. Susan and I headed up into the hills above the town and through a small park. It felt great to get some exercise and fresh air to start the day . . .

After our hike, we got back to the boat and departed for Hvar. Our Captain calls Hvar 'The St. Tropez of Croatia,' so we were excited to see it. 

On the way to Hvar we had some white wine and local Oysters . . . 

We arrived in Hvar in the late afternoon and decided to go walk around the town. It was very busy and there were LOTS of other yachts parked in the marina. It really did feel a bit like St. Tropez as there were lots of fancy restaurants and gift shops.

The next morning we got up and went for a long walk along the Hvar waterfront.


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